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Questions and Answers
Questions and answers from our users!
Harvesting dates seem incorrect
Editing/Deleting a Crop
Fruit Crops
Calendar Graphics
Copying Crops from one Garden to Another
Recommended Crops for my Zone
Vegetable Calculator
Save/Sign Out Button
Crops Included with Subscription
How to Select Varieties of Veggies for Our Area
Why is there a free account?
Saving filter choices as default in tasks tab
Bonus Package
Square Foot Gardening
Frost Dates Outside of the US
Exporting the Journal Information
Changing my location
Documenting Crop Numbers
Changing Crop Dates
Scheduling Plants
Disabling pop-up window
Adding a variety of a crop
Companion gardening
Distance between seeds & rows
How to stop a crop from going past a specified date?
How to Hide Chat Box
Is the Lifetime Membership Still Available?
Crop dates updating with frost dates
Blue in the Calendar
Indoor Seed Starting Time
Question about Related Planting
Link for the Soil Test Kit
Cut & Paste from one Calendar to Another
Adding a Landmark
Making the Background Grid Darker
Tax Write off for Donation
Is Layout Compatible with Ipad
Layout Question
Metric System in Layout
Moving a Singular Task
$5 Seed Coupon
Editing Garden Beds in Layout
"Failure to Delete" Error in Layout
Blank Screen in Layout
Crops Disappearing in Layout
Edit/Adjust Custom Varieties
Layout Width/Height
Youtube Banner
Free Shipping for seed order
Disabling the Pop Up
Why do you need my credit card?
Setting planting/transplanting to earlier season
Erasing Everything
Pinning the Calendar
Seed Packet Information
Sharing Seedtime
Gardening in grow bags
High Mowing
Seedlings in Rock Wool
Growing Season for Southern Hemisphere
Winter algorithm with succession planting
Pollinating garden
Cover Crop Seeds
Copying the Calendar
Seed Supplier
Addressing Different Zones
How to Manage Profile
$0.00 Purchase Agreement
Glass Greenhouse
Preparing Ground for Planting
Creating a Custom Task
Eliminate seeding info in the calendar
Hydroponic Schedule
Seedtime's Startup Story
Hydroponic Gardening
Adding Quantities to Seeding
Adding Several Gardens
Printing the Journal
Unlocking Task Series
Sun/Shade Requirements
Ordering Outside of USA
Saving Password for Account
Starting Seeds for fall transplants
Saving Filter Choices as Default in Tasks Tab
Upgrading/downgrading account, will crops stay the same?
Can you add or customize tasks?
Can tasks be assigned to individuals?
Max Crops
How do I get rid of uncompleted/overdue tasks?
Moving Crops Dates
What does Cultivate mean?
What is Determinate/Indeterminate?
How to edit/delete the name of custom crops
Do You Sell Seedlings?
Updating the Planting Date
Live Webinar Calendar
Sharing Credentials
Adjusting task calendar
Moving tasks individually
Old Tasks Reappearing
Printing the Calendar
Changing crop dates without the drag function
Trouble Viewing Entered Crops
How do I enter vegetables that I overwintered?
Seeding Mix Recommendation
"How to" notes for custom crop
Info on Best Soil and Fertiliser for Different Zones
Built-in Tracker?
Adding a Task to the Calendar
Updating Crops with new frost date
Forgot my Password
Latest Updates
Is upgrading right for me?
Log in link
Is this still a work in progress or has development slowed down?
Is there a way to remove cultivation entirely?
Limited Crops
Number of Seeds
Locked Tasks
How/where to purchase seeds & Seedtime Layout
New Crops
Can I use a relative seeding date with more than one parameter?
Invalid Zip Code
Can I sort my calendar?
Can I use my own seeding date instead of the date recommended?
Adding custom crops
Succession Planting Schedule
Suggested crop to add
Are your seeds heirlooms?
Seedtime Weather
Adding a task that will show in the calendar
Light/dark blue shaded areas for frost dates on the calendar
Annotate how many seeds/quantities to plant at each succession
Can I filter task lists with an unlimited account?