Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Planting Locations in Seedtime Layout
1. Introduction to Planting Locations (0:00-0:06)
Planting locations define where crops, flowers, or other plants will grow in your garden or farm layout.
2. Types of Planting Locations (0:06-0:46)
Flower Beds: Customize shapes with angled corners or unique designs.
Containers: Represent smaller growing areas, like pots on a porch.
Window Boxes: Highlight planting spaces on windows or railings.
Hoop House Beds: Add beds for enclosed growing areas like hoop houses.
3. Adding Planting Locations (0:46-1:36)
Go to the Planting Locations tool.
Drag and drop a predefined shape (e.g., square, rectangle, or circular bed) onto the canvas.
Note: At present, only straight edges can be customized. Curved edges are planned for future updates.
4. Customizing Planting Locations (1:36-2:17)
Duplicate Locations:
Use the Duplicate button to copy an existing location.
Adjust placement for multiple similar locations.
Resize or Edit Dimensions:
Use the Edit option to specify exact dimensions (e.g., 4x8 feet).
Stretch or shrink locations manually on the canvas.
Change Color:
Customize the color fill for better visual differentiation.
Name Locations:
Assign clear names to each location (e.g., "Raised Bed 1" and "Raised Bed 2").
5. Additional Features and Tips (2:17-3:54)
Snap to Grid:
Use the grid snapping feature for precise alignment while moving locations.
Rotate Locations:
Rotate manually for smooth adjustments.
Hold Shift to snap rotations to 15-degree increments, ensuring right angles when needed.
Alternative Sizing Method:
Instead of rotating, swap dimensions (e.g., switch a 4x8 bed to 8x4) using the Edit option.
6. Next Steps (3:54-4:00)
After setting up planting locations, proceed to add crops, flowers, or other plants to your layout, aligning them with your garden plan.