Setting Your Frost Dates

How to set your average first and last frost dates

Paul Dysinger avatar
Written by Paul Dysinger
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: If you live in the Southern hemisphere please see this short tutorial on setting your frost dates.

One of the most important steps when setting up your account in Seedtime is to set your average first and last frost dates.

So, if you live in a location where it freezes in the winter then jump down to STEP 1 below. Otherwise, here's a quick note for those living in areas with no frost:

What if you live in a location where it doesn't frost?

If you live in a location that does not freeze in the winter then here is what we suggest doing.

First, choose the month out of the year that has the coolest temperatures. Then follow the instructions below but when entering your frost dates simply enter a single day (or two days) from the coolest month out of the year for your location. For example you can enter Dec 31 - Jan 1 as your first and last frost dates. This will help the calendar suggest planting times for cool weather crops.

If you live in an area where there is no temperature fluctuation throughout the year then enter the date that is closest to the time that you will be seeding most of your crops.

In both cases above you may need to do more manual entry and manually move crops to the right time of year for you until we are able to build out more support for tropical environments.

STEP 1: Login

Login to Seedtime here:

STEP 2: Set Your Frost Dates

The first time you login to Seedtime it will take you to the settings page where you will be able to set your first and last frost dates.

If no frost dates are set yet, you'll see a notification in the top right corner that says "To get started, please set your frost dates."

The first time you login, you will not be able to leave the settings page until your frost dates are set.

If you need to navigate to the settings page at any later time to edit or adjust your frost dates you can do so by clicking the "Profile" icon in the top right and choosing "Settings" from the drop down menu.

To get the appropriate frost dates for your location visit Dave's Garden Frost Date Lookup. (For our international users please check out the Plant Maps website for international frost date maps).

Enter your zip code in the box and click "Go":

The website will list a few of the closest weather locations nearest to you below. Find the weather location from the nearest town/city to your actual home.

You can then choose what percent probability of frost you want to use. We suggest using 30% probability.

This means when looking at your average last frost, on the listed day you would have a 30% chance of frost and 70% chance that it won't freeze from that day onward.

Take your average first and last frost dates and enter them into the calendar settings page.

IMPORTANT! It is extremely easy to mix first and last frost dates around. Make sure you do not enter them backwards. For people living in the USA (northern hemisphere) your average first frost date will usually be sometime in the fall(Sept-Dec) and your average last frost date will normally be sometime in the spring (Feb-May).

STEP 3: Set Your Hard Frost Dates (optional)

Setting your average hard frost dates is an optional step and not every location will have hard frosts.

We consider hard frosts anytime the temperature dips below 24 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can find the corresponding dates using the same table is was used to find your average first and last frost date - only move down to the row that shows average temperatures dipping to 24 degrees or below:

NOTE: if you cannot find average hard frost dates for your location (if you live internationally or use a different frost date calculator) then we suggest setting your hard frost dates 4-6 weeks in from your regular average frost dates. This will work well for most locations.

Next, take your average first and last hard frost dates and enter them into the calendar settings page:

STEP 4: Submit and Return to Calendar

Once your frost dates are entered, click the "Update Frost Dates" button. If updated successfully you will see a message at the top of the page that says "Frost dates set successfully!"

You can then return to the calendar by clicking the "Calendar" link on the top left of the page.

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